بتـــــاريخ : 11/14/2008 8:52:14 AM
  • الصحــــــــــــة
  • التعليقات المشاهدات التقييمات
    0 9072 0

    دليل شركات الادوية المصرية و الدولية

    الناقل : elmasry | العمر :42 | الكاتب الأصلى : ahmed abdo | المصدر : sayadla.com

    كلمات مفتاحية  :


    ابوسمبل مصر
    متخصصون فى جميع انواع لمبات الاجهزة الطبية
    شارع رمسيس رقم213 غمرة القاهرة
    فاكس: 27871625
    ت: 27871626
    موبايل : 0127755253
    Web site :
    http://www.abusimbelmedical.co m
    E-Mail : (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)[/color]"](تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)

    A - D - M أ - د - م
    مدينة نصر 37 ش عمر زعفان من ش الطيران المنطقة الأولى
    ت : 24031845
    فاكس : 2600052
    E-Mail : (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)[/color]"](تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)

    الشريف للاجهزة التعويضية
    مهندس اسامة ابراهيم
    إمبابة 25 ش المحطة
    ت : 33536547
    موبايل : 0123118307
    E-Mail : (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)[/color]"](تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)

    ALKAN ألكان
    الدقى 2 ميدان المساحة
    ت : 3490140
    فاكس : 3609932 - 3499235

    إم إى جىأجهزة أشغة وقياس هشاشة - تجهيز مستشفيات وغرف عمليات
    مدينة نصر طريق صلاح سالم 10 عمارات حدائق العبور
    ت : 4023080 - 2617927
    فاكس : 4023080

    Afri-Medical أفرى ميديكال
    أربطة الجبس الطبى
    ش صلاح سالم 13 عمارات العبور
    ت : 2606015

    INTER HOSPITALS إنتر هوسبيتالس
    تجهيز مستشفيات وغرف عمليات
    مصر الجديدة ميدان الإسماعيلية 3 ش الفاطميين من ش عمر بن الخطاب
    ت : 2454371 - 2457817
    فاكس : 2456118

    Al - Andalos الأندلس
    36 ش القصر العينى بجوار دار الحكمة
    تليفون وفاكس : 5796900

    R. B. MEDICAL أر بى
    أجهزة تعويضية- تجهيز عيادات علاج طبيعى
    القصر العينى 28 ش إسماعيل باشا سرى
    ت : 3562278

    مستلزمات جراحة عظام - مناظير
    75 ش الجيزة - كوبرى الجامعة - برج الجامعة
    ت : 33634470
    فاكس :3364480

    I T G إيتاج
    مجموعة التجارة الدولية
    ميدان التجنيد 13 أبراج القوات المسلحة ش جسر السويس
    ت : 2440509 - 2487513
    فاكس : 2417918

    الظاهر 19 ش إسماعيل الفلكى
    ت و فاكس: 5939938 - 5892192



    التجارية المتحدة
    المكتب الرئيسى :الدقى 71 ش مصدق
    ت : 3492741 / 2
    فاكس : 3359202
    قسم المبيعات : 58 ش 26 يوليو
    ت : 5756924
    فاكس : 5766340

    TechnoMed تكنوميد
    المهندسين 30 ش أحمد عرابى
    ت : 3051641 - 3051644
    فاكس : 3051641


    THREE M ثرى إم
    مدينة نصر 9 ش عبد المنعم سند
    ت : 2623322
    فاكس :2623322


    جبائر الشرق الأوسط
    ميدان سفنكس 195 ش 26 يوليو عمارة المحاربين القدماء
    ت : 3472230 - 3031481
    فاكس : 3477074

    أجهزة تعويضية
    عابدين 11 ش جواد حسنى من ش رشدى
    ت : 3926626 - 3929276 - 3939062
    فاكس : 3938880

    جونسون و جونسون
    المكتب العلمى
    مصر الجديدة النزهة 44 ش الشهبد عبد المنعم حافظ
    ت : 4142450
    فاكس : 2910784 - 2909224
    الموزع فى مصر1
    شركة بى إم إيجبت
    الجيزة الدقى 23 ش إيران
    ت : 3609000
    فاكس : 3608000
    الموزع فى مصر2
    العالمية للإليكترونات
    الجيزة الدقى 12 ش جمال سالم من ش مصدق
    ت : 7483526
    فاكس : 7483492


    أجهزة تعويضية وطبية
    المهندسين 8 ش أحمد عبد العزيز
    ت : 3906660



    DALY MEDICA دالى ميديكا
    طريق صلاح سالم 23 عمارات العبور
    ت : 4041180
    فاكس : 4020125



    رامادا شبرا 36 ش القضاعى
    المعارض : مدينة نصر 30 ش عباس العقاد
    ت : 2026814 - 2025151
    فاكس : 2042089 - 4305254

    51 ش القصر العينى
    ت : 5898866 - 5931778 - 5916332
    فاكس : 5931778

    طريق صلاح سالم 14 عمارات العبور
    ت : 4038882 - 4021747
    فاكس : 4024414


    تصنيع الأجهزة العلمية والمعملية
    باب اللوق 10 ش صبرى أبو سلمة
    ت : 3932575
    فاكس :3932575

    أحزمة ساندة للفقرات - رست ركبة أنكل طبى - حامل ذراع
    فيصل - الكوم الأخضر - 18 ش طارق بن زياد - من ش سهل حمزة
    ت : 3883825


    SAT MIDDLE EAST BROTHERS سات ميدل إيست برازرز تجهيز غرف عمليات ومناظير
    الإدارة : مدينة نصر 99 ش مصطفى النحاس - الحى الثامن
    ت و فاكس : 2479650 - 2870499 - 2870498
    الفرع : مصر الجديدة- سانت فاتيما - 70 ش عبد العزيز فهمى
    ت : 2479650

    SIGMATRON سيجماترون
    أجهزة رنين مغناطيسى مفتوح - تجهيز مستشفيات وغرف عمليات
    المنيل (كوبرى الجامعة) 137 ش الملك عبد العزيز السعود - برج الياسمين
    ت : 3847580 - 3623809
    فاكس : 3847581 - 3684843


    Middle East الشرق الأوسط
    قصر العينى - 10 ش الرشيدى
    ت : 3650738
    فاكس : 3681674

    الشريف للاجهزة التعويضية
    مهندس اسامة ابراهيم
    إمبابة 25 ش المحطة
    ت : 3536547
    موبايل : 0123118307
    E-Mail : (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)[/color]"](تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)




    مستلزمات عظام
    باب اللوق 74 ش مجلس الشعب
    ت : 3909781 - 3909782

    الطبية المصرية
    30 ش شريف باشا
    ت : 3930871
    فاكس : 3905587



    العربية للمستهلكات الطبية
    مدينة نصر - المنطقة الحرة قسم (9 ج) - القاهرة
    ت : 2734224 - 2778474 / 5 / 6
    فاكس : 2734224
    E-Mail: (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)[/color]"](تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)



    مستلزمات جراحة عظام وآلات جراحية
    579 ش بورسعيد أمام مستشفى سيد جلال
    ت : 5929172
    فاكس : 3923686

    القصر العينى 29 ش الرشيدى أمام القصر العينى الفرنساوى
    ت : 3683787

    المنيل 137 ش عبد العزيز السعود أمام كوبرى الجامعة
    ت : 3642980 - 3650687

    مدينة نصر 138 مدينة التوفيق للضباط من ش الطيران
    ت : 4018731
    تليفاكس : 4535917

    طريق صلاح سالم 14 عمارات العبور
    ت : 4038882 - 4021747
    فاكس : 4024414

    CAIRO TRADE EST. القاهرة للتجارة
    طريق صلاح سالم 3 عمارات العبور
    تليفون وفاكس : 4022155

    الجيزة العمرانية الغربية 10 ش زكى سعيد
    ت : 5623168
    تليفاكس : 5631071


    طريق صلاح سالم2 عمارات العبور
    ت : 4024025 - 4021658
    فاكس : 4022037

    كيلاني اسماعيل
    34 ش علي يوسف - القصر العيني - القاهرة
    ت : 7944029
    موبايل : 0101940316
    فاكس : 7944029
    E-Mail : (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)[/color]"](تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)

    QUEENS MEDICAL كويــنز ميديكال
    قساطر - كانيولا - رايل - جوانتى طبى
    مصر الجديدة 3 ش حامد باشا فهمى
    ت : 2443495 - 2443497 - 2464184
    فاكس : 2474633

    KEMET Medical كيميت ميديكال
    أجهزة قياس هشاشة العظام وأجهزة معامل
    مصر الجديدة 13 ش عمر بن الخطاب خلف مستشفى النزهة
    ت : 2677209 - 2677210 - 2677306 - 2676652
    فاكس : 2675805


    LIFE MEDICAL CONSULT (L M C) لايف ميديكال كونسلت أجهزة علاج طبيعى وتأهيل
    116 ش العباسية
    ت : 2850425
    فاكس : 2859898


    القصر العينى - 29 ش الرشيدى
    ت : 5342006
    موبايل : 010 5000947
    E-Mail : (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)[/color]"](تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)

    المتحدة للمنتجات الصحية الورقية
    Masks - Caps - Gowns - Over Shoes
    طريق صلاح سالم 5 عمارات العبور
    ت : 4030457 - 4023994
    فاكس : 2620632

    المجموعة المصرية
    مصر الجديدة ميدان تريومف 53 ش نخلة المطيعى
    ت : 2414078 - 2414072
    فاكس : 2457911

    المجموعة المصرية والإليكترونية المتحدة
    مصر الجديدة 95 د ش الميرغنى
    ت : 2458858
    تليفون و فاكس : 2906005

    محمد شعبان محمد
    6 ش كمال حمزة المرج
    مخ واعصاب وعمود فقرى
    ت : 0104976944 -6621650
    محمول : 0104976944
    فاكس : 6621650
    E-Mail: (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)[/color]"](تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)

    المكتب العلمى للتجارة الدوليةأجهزة أشعة و سى أرم وليزر جراحى
    مدينة نصر 15 ش أحمد نور الدين متفرع من مكرم عبيد - المنطقة السادسة
    ت : 2712214 - 2712215
    فاكس : 2703071

    المركز الدولى للخدمات الطبية
    المنيل 9 ش سراى المنيل أعلى كنتاكى امام طب أسنان القاهرة
    ت : 3684229 - 3621704
    فاكس :3621704

    القصر العينى - 18 ش الرشيدى
    ت : 30688497 - 3650653
    فاكس : 3638232

    مصر الطبية
    مستلزمات عظام وأشعة
    باب اللوق 6 ميدان الفلكى
    ت : 3545024 - 3545025 - 3544307
    فاكس : 3544333

    مصر الوسطى
    المنيل 1 ش سراى المنيل أمام جامع صلاح الدين وكوبرى الجامعة
    ت : 5321098 - 2348537

    أجهزة تعويضية
    عابدين 40 ش رشدى
    ت : 3920019

    المصرية للتجارة والتوزيع
    446 ش سكة الوايلى - حدائق القبة - القاهرة
    ت : 4506908
    فاكس : 4506908

    المطراوى أجهزة تعويضية
    وسط البلد 141 ش محمد فريد
    ت : 4024025 - 4021658
    فاكس : 4022037

    Med.Com ميد كوم
    مدينة نصر 4 أبراج المهندسين العسكريين
    ت : 4039 835 / 4047616 / 2630472
    فاكس : 2630472
    Emails : بريد إليكترونى
    General : (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)[/color]"](تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)
    Sales :(تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)[/color]"](تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)
    Human Resources : (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)[/color]"](تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)
    Web Site :

    Media ميديا
    الزيتون 20 ش سليم الأول
    ت : 4531755

    MEDICA LAB ميديكالاب
    الإدارة والمركز الرئيسى : حدائق القبة 19 ش مصر والسودان
    ت : 4845697 / 8 / 9
    فاكس : 2844905
    فرع القصر العينى : 29 ش الرشيدى - القصر العينى
    ت : 3655780

    MED CARE ميدكير
    القصر العينى - 18 ش الرشيدى
    ت : 3687384 - 5881552
    فاكس : 5937863
    موبايل : 0123151039

    MIRACLE ميراكلأحزمة للفقرات- رافع للذراع - رست ركبة أنكل طبى - أربطة ضاغطة ... الخ
    مصر الحديدة 132 ش الميرغنى محطة فاتن حمامة
    ت : 4191577 - 4191578
    فاكس : 2917568


    New Technology نيو تكنولوجى
    مصر الجديدة ألماظة 39 ش الشهيد عبد المنعم حافظ
    ت : 2914651 / 2 / 3 / 4
    فاكس : 2919124
    E-Mail : (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)[/color]"]m-(تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)

    مستلزمات عظام
    مصر الجديدة 24 ش الأهرام بجوار سينما نورماندى
    ت : 4557288


    هارتمان إيجبت
    المكتب العلمى : 8 ش حمدان برج الؤلؤة
    ت : 5707535 - 5716850 - 5690739
    E-Mail : ims-(تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)
    Website : hartmann.link.com.eg

    HI TEK هاى تك
    أجهزة طبية ومعملية
    مصر الجديدة - 26 عمارات مشروع كلية البنات - خلف دار الدفاع الجوى
    ت : 2906488
    فاكس : 4187202

    HIGH TECH هاى تكتجهيز مستشفيات
    المهندسين 44 ش لبنان
    ت : 3059194 - 3059195 - 3052091 - 3020440
    فاكس : 3053215

    HEALTHY هيلثىأحزمة للفقرات- رافع للذراع - رست ركبة أنكل طبى - أربطة ضاغطة ... الخ
    مصر الحديدة 99 ش السباق
    ت : 2406273 - 2453478
    فاكس : 2453478


    واتركو مستلزمات جراحة عظام
    60 ش الخليفة المأمون
    ت : 2569160

    وليد صابر أبراهيم3 شارع جمال سالم متفرع من مصدق الدقى
    ت : 027625133
    موبايل : 0106596906

    شركات الادوية الدولية A
      • 3M Pharmaceuticals - Researches and develops transdermal prescription medications and aerosol respiratory medicine. View prescribing information.
      • Abgenix - Specializes in developing pharmaceutical products for inflammatory and autoimmune disorders, transplant-related diseases, and cancer.
      • Adherex - Develops and produces drugs based on a proprietary cell adhesion platform. Located in Ottawa and Montreal.
      • Advanced ChemTech - Firm specializing in automated biotechnology synthesizers, fine chemicals, immunochemical technology and related services.
      • Advanced Polymer Systems - Specializes in polymer-based delivery systems and related technologies for the skin care and pharmaceutical industries.
      • AeroGen, Inc. - Learn how better technology is changing aerosol drug delivery to the respiratory tract and lung.
      • Agouron - Creates drugs and develops treatments based on the structure of proteins that play essential roles in human diseases.
      • Ahn-Gook Pharma - Korean pharmaceutical company specializes in the production of topical anesthetics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and drugs for the digestive system.
      • Alfacell Corporation - Develops and produces enzymes derived form the egg and early embryos of leopard frog for the treatment of diseases including cancer.
      • Alkermes, Inc. - Develops drug delivery systems for the pharmaceutical industry. Learn about its oral, injectable and other products.
      • AlleCure Corporation - Biopharmaceutical company develops methods to treat conditions caused by immune system imbalances, such as allergies and asthma. Read bios of the company's management.
      • Allergan - Corporate Homepage - Company manufactures eye and skin-care products. Find sections for consumers as well as for potential employees.
      • Alliance Pharmaceutical - Research and development company transforms scientific discoveries into therapeutic and diagnostic agents. See projects in development.
      • Alpharma - Multinational pharmaceutical company provides shareholder and contact information, a list of divisions, and news about the company.
      • Alva-Amco - Develops drugs for treatment of water retention, psoriasis, fungus, and backache. Find out where to buy the company's products.
      • Alza - Develops pharmaceutical products specializing in therapeutic ares. Read press releases and community relations information.
      • Amgen - Visit the corporate center, check out the products produced by this company, or find out what's happening in research and development.
      • Amphastar Pharmaceuticals - Pharmaceutical manufacturer produces sterile injectable products. Read about its parenteral products and contract manufacturing services.
      • Amylin Pharmaceuticals - San Diego company specializes in treating metabolic disorders. Includes a reference library, a calendar of events, and facts about diabetes.
      • Andrx Corporation - Produces controlled-release drugs that reduce the frequency of drug administration, reduce side effects, and improve efficiency.
      • Angiotech Pharmaceuticals - Develops and produces pharmaceutical products related to chronic inflammatory and angiogenesis-dependent diseases.
      • Antigenics - Produces drugs for cancer, infectious diseases, autoimmune disorders, and patient-specific cancer vaccines.
      • Aphton - Biopharmaceutical company develops products for gastrointestinal and reproductive diseases, as well as for contraceptive purposes. Includes news.
      • Apothecus Pharmaceutical - Specializes in the production of vaginal contraceptive film and foam, pregnancy tests, and contraception-related products.
      • Applied Genetics Inc. Dermatics - Biopharmaceutical company manufacturing cosmetic ingredients, cancer diagnostics and dermaceuticals with an emphasis on liposomes and DNA repair.
      • Aronex Pharmaceuticals - Dedicated to the research and development of novel medicines for the treatment of cancer and life-threatening infections diseases.
      • Atlantic Pharmaceutical Services - Offers services to the pharmaceutical companies including solid dosage measurements and dosage forms, pelletization, and taste masking.
      • Atlantic Pharmaceuticals - Develops products used for the treatment of cancer, infections, ophthalmic disorders, and cardiovascular and dermatological conditions.
      • AutoImmune Inc. - Corporate Homepage - Biopharmaceutical company offers products and drugs aimed at fighting autoimmune disease. Read company news or learn about the latest research.
      • AutoImmune Inc. - Financials - Scope out the pharmaceutical company's financial overview. Covers SEC information, stock quote, analyst coverage, and financial press.
      • AVI BioPharma - Corporate Homepage - Developer of therapeutic medicines provides an overview of its products, a compilation of press releases, and info for stockholders.
      • Barr Laboratories - Independent developer, manufacturer and marketer of off-patent pharmaceuticals. Features industry news and career information.
      • Baxter Healthcare - Financials - Scan annual reports and shareholder information for this manufacturer of blood, cardiovascular, renal and intravenous medical products.
      • Bayer AG - International chemical and health care group consist of 350 companies worldwide, and produces 10,000 chemical products.
      • Berlex Laboratories - Lab offers preventative, diagnostic and therapeutic medicines in the fields of dermatology, diagnostic imaging and women's health.
      • Biogen - Company principally engaged in developing genetically-engineered human pharmaceuticals. With MS resources, career advice, and drug information.
      • Bionutrics - Bio pharmaceutical company provides a company overview and details of their dietary supplement for lowering cholesterol, Evolve.
      • BioObjects Corporation - Specializes in XML-based tools for the biotech and pharmacuetical industries, with a focus on the management of clinical trials.
      • BioPhausia - Find details of this pharmaceutical company that used to be called Medisan. Company focuses on connective tissue and microcirculation products.
      • BioProducts Maryland - Specializes in the development, marketing, and sales of neurocellular products for the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.
      • Boehringer Ingelheim - Find out about business areas, subsidiaries, research, and company history. Includes info about OTC (Over the Counter) vitamin products.
      • Bradley Pharmaceuticals - Company that manufactures prescription and OTC respiratory and skin preparations. With company profile, product FAQs, and shareholder info.
      • Bristol-Myers Squibb - Develops beauty, nutritional and pharmaceutical products. Find news and research information and search the database for product details.
      • British Biotech Home Page - Contains company overview, news releases, plus info on what this organization is doing in research. With oncology links.
      • Byk Gulden Online - Researches and produces prescription drugs for gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and respiratory illnesses. In English and German
      • Capsugel - Meet the company executives behind the world's leading supplier of two-piece hard gelatin capsules. Includes product and services information.
      • Carrington Labs - Skin care, odor control, nutritional, wound care, incontinence, diabetic care, and radiation care products to buy directly from the manufacturer.
      • Carter-Wallace - Medicine company describes its products and laboratories. Also read a company history and learn about career opportunities.
      • Cav-Con Cancer Drugs - Technical information about cancer therapeutics from this Connecticut based organization. Features toxicological studies and abstracts.
      • Cenes Pharmaceuticals plc - Developer of drugs for treating central nervous system disorders and for use in pain management. Find research and development information.
      • Chiron Corporation - Corporate information, news, business highlights, jobs, and mission statement. Includes disease speciality area and product overview.
      • Chugai Pharma Europe - Specializing in prescription pharmaceuticals as well as DNA probes and enzyme-immunoassay diagnostics.
      • CIBA Vision - Company Homepage - Offers consumer and professional resources for contact lenses and other eye care products. Find a worldwide directory and product information.
      • Cortecs plc - Contains information about research and development and details about diagnostic and pharmaceutical products. With patient disease advice.
      • Covance - Organizational information, advice about drug development, news and reports, and details about career opportunities with this company.
      • CPL, Inc. - Subsidiary of Cadila Pharmaceuticals supplies North and South American markets with bulk pharmaceuticals, hospital products, medical supplies, and veterinary products.
      • CytRx - Develops therapeutic products such as vaccines, drug-delivery products, and animal feed additives. Read its press releases and research plans.
      • Stem Cells, Inc - Pharmaceutical company produces cell-based products to treat central nervous system diseases. Check out its financial information.
      • Daiichi Pharmaceutical - Contains facts and figures, sales and financial information, and a drug development table. Available in Japanese.
      • Darby Drug Company - Use the product search feature, or get familiar with the new products. Highlights specials and posts career opportunities.
      • Datex-Ohmeda - Gives company overview, information about key technology areas, advice about research, and provides resources on respiratory and critical care.
      • David Pharmaceuticals - Company develops therapies for memory loss, including mild cognitive impairment, or MCI, and age-related cognitive decline, or ACRD. Read about the latest research.
      • Deaton Engineering - Provides engineering and validation services to the pharmaceutical industry, including equipment design for bulk manufacturing.
      • Dendreon Corporation - Company conducts research into the commercialization of dendritic cells for therapeutic purposes, especially for prostate cancer.
      • DepoTech Corporation - Access corporate, technological, and investor information at this site. Also features product pipeline and press releases.
      • Discovery Partners International - Company located in San Diego describes its drug-discovery technologies and services. Includes press releases and investor information.
      • Dovetail Technologies, Inc. - DTI identifies promising compounds and develops them to the point where they enter human clinical trials.
      • DuraMed Home - Learn about this Cincinnati based manufacturer and marketer of OTC and prescription products. With overview of corporate activities and news.
      • Eli Lilly & Company - Produces medication for treating conditions including endocrine diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis, infectious diseases and cancer.
      • Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. - Marker of meds specializes in pain management and cold/cough products. Thumb through its catalog of brand name and generic drugs.
      • EPS Pharmaceutical Ovens - Manufactures industrial and pharmaceutical ovens capable of heat treating, curing, dry heat sterilization and granulation drying.
      • FirstPharm - Check out this pharmaceutical marketing agent's products and prices, development news, and resource links.
      • Fischer Pharmaceuticals - Organization that specializes in the development and manufacture of ophthalmic and dermatological preparations. With product and company info.
      • Formosa Laboratory, Inc. - Manufactures bulk pharmaceuticals including balsalazide disodium, capsaicin, calcitriol and leflunomide.
      • Fujisawa USA, Inc - Find out about this company and continuing pharmacy education or browse the catalog for information about products.
      • Galen Holdings - Pharmaceutical conglomerate has operations in manufacturing and marketing of drug products. Also offers clinical trial supplies.
      • Galenica Pharmaceuticals - Pharmaceutical company headquartered in Birmingham, Ala., develops animal vaccines, immunity enhancers, adjuvants, and cancer vaccines.
      • Genaissance Pharmaceuticals - Pharmaceuticals company employs genomics and informatics technologies to help health-care practitioners integrate genomic-variation information.
      • Genentech - Develops pharmaceuticals mostly for the treatment of genetic disorders. Includes a listing of the major drugs and their use.
      • Genetics Institute - Resource for science and medical professionals presents information about recombinant technology. See the job postings and the product list.
      • Genzyme Corp. - Company that specializes in biotechnology and health care products. With career, product, and services information.
      • Genzyme Pharmaceuticals - Produces a range of compounds designed for key biotechnology and pharmaceutical applications. Includes research and partnership information.
      • Geron Corporation - Biopharmaceutical company develops products to fight cancer and other diseases associated with aging. Read about its research on telomeres.
      • Gilead Sciences - Find out about this biopharmaceutical company that specializes in viral diseases. Features news, company overview, research, and product info.
      • GlaxoSmithKline - Gateway - Starting point to the pharmaceutical firm's global offices, corporate home, research and development tools, and vaccine information.
      • Hoechst - Corporate Homepage - Group of international life sciences companies introduces its members. Read science feature stories or view a RealAudio conference.
      • ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Manufacturers biomedical research diagnostics, drugs, and skin care products. Includes employment opportunities and corporate information.
      • Immune Response Corporation - Learn about this biopharmaceutical company's gene therapy technology, or review annual reports. Located in Carlsbad, California.
      • Immunex - Contains guide to prostate patients and their families, company information, and career opportunities.
      • ImmunoScience, Inc. - Market and research HIV testing and diagnostic equipment and a HIV treatment vaccine. Includes company history and contact information.
      • Ind Expo - Produces castor oil-based oleochemical products that are used in the pharmaceutical and fragrance industries. Browse the catalog.
      • Inmunotek - Spanish company manufactures allergenic extracts, skin-prick testing systems, and nasal irrigation salt mixtures.
      • ISTA Pharmaceuticals - Company specializes in the discovery, development, and marketing of new remedies for diseases and conditions of the eye.
      • Janssen-Cilag NV - Contains company, job, and research information. With a disease section which highlights women's health, allergies, neurology, pain, and cancer.
      • Johnson & Johnson - News, finance, and career opportunities available with this organization plus mother and baby care advice.
      • Kilian & Co. - Manufactures tablet presses for the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and cosmetics industries. Examine the products and email an inquiry.
      • Lee Pharmaceuticals - Makers and distributors of healthcare and personal-care products. Peruse the lists of over-the-counter items, or check out ordering information.
      • Lilly - Medicines - Lilly makes some of the most prescribed drugs in America, including brand-names Prozac and Axid. Learn about uses and possible side effects.
      • Lundbeck - Quebec subsidiary specialises in the R&D, production and marketing of preparations for treating diseases of the central nervous system.
      • Maxim Pharmaceuticals - Develops drugs and therapies for conditions such as cancer and tropical disorders. Learn about the products, and clinical trials.
      • McKessonHBOC - Corporate Homepage - Manufactures pharmaceuticals, beauty products, and specialty foods and distributes to pharmacies, hospitals, and healthcare organizations.
      • Medicap Pharmacy - Company Homepage - Features online prescription refills and pharmacy shipping, an overview of franchise opportunities and a directory of stores in the US.
      • Medicis Pharmaceutical - Links to dermatological pages, list products, gives financial and investor information, and provides information about upcoming events.
      • Merck & Co. - Corporate Homepage - Research-driven pharmaceutical products and services company encapsulates its business mission. Read about the company's research programs.
      • Merck KGaA - Holding company has headquarters in Germany and offers pharmaceutical products as well as lab materials and specialty chemicals.
      • Midlands Research - Find herbal alternatives formulated to render effects comparable to those of drugs like marijuana, ecstasy, steroids, and GHB. Catalog also includes drug-testing kits.
      • Millennium Pharmaceuticals - Biopharmaceutical company works on the discovery and development of small-molecule, biotherapeutic and predictive medicine products.
      • Mitsubishi Chemical - API Department - Read about the international developer and manufacturer of active pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates and view a list of products.
      • Molecumetics - Chemistry-based company's primary focus is on discovering small-molecules for license and development in biotechnology fields.
      • Monsanto - Corporate Homepage - Life sciences company address global health and food needs through technology. Learn about its agricultural, nutrition, and health products.
      • Mor Research Applications - Israeli company provides clinical data management and research services, and assistance in commercializing scientific projects.
      • MOVA Laboratories - Pharmaceutical company provides product descriptions, press releases, and employment listings. Find a list of the company's business partners.
      • Mylan Laboratories - Develops, licenses, manufactures, and markets pharmaceutical and wound-care products. See a product guide and information for pharmacists.
      • Nagase - Go to pharmaceuticals for information about activities in drug development, diagnostic reagents, and related products.
      • NexMed - Company based in New Jersey produces products that offers help for herpes and male and female sexual dysfunction.
      • NeXstar Pharmaceuticals - Pharmaceutical company offers news, investor relations information, and details about its products. Includes career opportunities.
      • Novartis - Info on its consumer health care products and services, plus its agribusiness and pharmaceutical operations. Also press releases and financials.
      • Novo Nordisk - Provides details about health care and the environment. Includes press releases and investor relations information.
      • Nupharm - Chemotherapy - Pharmacy service specializes in at-home provision of infusion therapy, respiratory medication, chemotherapy and oral medication.
      • Oculex Pharmaceuticals - Product and investor details from this company that has developed a drug delivery system for the treatment of ocular diseases.
      • OmegaTech - Develops natural bioactive compounds for use in nutritional and pharmaceutical applications. Learn about docosahexaenoic acid and similar products.
      • Oncor, Inc. - Genetic technology company with details about molecular biology reagents, cell regulation products, technical services, and employment.
      • Organon - This company manufacture prescription drugs including oral contraceptives and HRT. With info on research and drug Q&As.
      • Ortho Biotech Products - Biotechnology company specializes in renal disease, cancer and other serious illnesses. View products and check medication names abroad.
      • Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical - Developer of pharmaceutical products specializes in areas such as pain management and women's health. Get product and prescription details.
      • Ostuka Pharmaceuticals - Find out what's happening in various drug research institutes located in the US and overseas or check out the company overview.
      • Oxis International, Inc. - Browse the catalog of products or find out about research products are targeted to assist the researcher in understanding oxidative processes.
      • Paddock Laboratories, Inc. - Minneapolis situated company that specializes in diabetic products. Includes a quarterly newsletter for professional diabetes educators.
      • Paragon Laboratories - Pharmaceuticals contractor manufactures nutritional and dietary supplements for marketers in North America and around the world. Produces capsules, powders, and tablets.
      • Parke-Davis - View the list of prescription medications produced by this company. Adobe Acrobat Reader required to access some files.
      • Patheon - Patheon is a leading provider of pharmaceutical contract manufacturing and drug development services in finished dosage form.
      • PBL Biomedical Labs Interferon - The world's largest manufacturer of interferons, interferon antibodies, and interferon ELISA kits. All human alpha interferon species available.
      • Pfizer - Corporate Homepage - Research-based healthcare company provides a child-oriented explanation of microbes. Find out about its research projects.
      • Pfizer Consumer Health Care - Information on a range of products manufactured by this company including pain killers, baby, child, and skin care products, and sleep aids.
      • Phar-Mor - Company Homepage - Ohio-based drug store company supplies product info and details shopping procedures. Read its corporation profile, and locate its stores.
      • Pharmacia & Upjohn - Extensive research, business, and customer coverage from this pharmaceutical and bio-tech company. Plus info on medical conditions and products.
      • Pharmascience - Canadian company presents its full product range of generic pharmaceuticals, including analgesics and antibiotics.
      • PharMingen - Biotechnology company offers research products, literature, and catalogs. Find out about tech support services, or call to place an order.
      • Princeton Separations - Biotechnology company specializes in molecular separations. Look through the product catalog, find a distributor or obtain tech support.
      • Prionics AG, Switzerland - Develops and manufactures reagents for prion disease research and testing, and offers related diagnostic services.
      • PT Darya-Varia Laboratoria - Indonesian based pharmaceutical company. Features corporate profile, annuals reports, and news and press releases.
      • Quantitative Technologies - New Jersey laboratory performs organic and inorganic sample analyses and explains its pharmaceutical services. View its case studies.
      • Quintiles - Contract pharmaceutical organization (CPO) conducts product analysis and stability studies for drug developers and manufacturers.
      • R & D Laboratories - Products, services, and company information from this organization that manufacture products for the treatment of diabetes and kidney disease.
      • R&J Engineering - Produces hard gelatin capsule equipment and technology for the pharmaceutical industry. Find product photos and information.
      • Research Testing Labs - Clinical research and testing company provides details of their facilities and current pharmaceutical trials.
      • Rexall.com - Storefront - View the selection and place an order for anti-aging, weight management, sports nutrition and preventative health care remedies.
      • Ribozyme Pharmaceuticals - RPI - Biotechnology company develops ways to utilize ribozymes for use as human therapeutics. Review its products and get investment information.
      • Roche - Corporate Homepage - Produces pharmaceuticals and products for treatment of HIV, obesity and cardiac conditions. Offers news and company information.
      • Roche Carolina - Corporation based in Florence, South Carolina, produces pharmaceutical intermediates and API for preclinical and clinical studies and commercial use.
      • Rycor Technology Investments Corp. - Canadian company is developing MBP8298 synthetic-peptide technology as a treatment for multiple-sclerosis sufferers. Read about clinical trials.
      • Salix Pharmaceuticals - Pharmaceutical company manufactures products used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. Check press releases or read about potential markets.
      • Samaritan Pharmaceuticals - Biopharmaceutical company focuses on the commercialization of drug candidates developed for Alzheimer s, cancer, and HIV. Learn about the anticortisol drug Anticort.
      • Sangart - San Diego, California-based biopharmaceutical company develops Hemospan and Hemospan PS, products that act as hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers and blood substitutes.
      • Sankyo - Large Japanese company furnishes over-the-counter medications and agricultural products. Peek into its laboratory research.
      • Sanochemia Group - Company profile and business review of this group manufacturing veterinary and human pharmaceuticals and test kits.
      • Sanofi-Synthelabo - French drug maker specializes in a variety of internal medicine products. Peruse the details in French and in English.
      • Schering Diagnostics - Schering, market leader for in-vivo diagnostic products. Gives information for physicians, patients and interested persons.
      • Schwarz Pharma - Tour this site for product and corporate information, news, career opportunity advice, and links to resources for patients.
      • Searle - Subsidiary of Pharmacia Corporation produces arthritis, cancer and cardiovascular medications. Locate its international manufacturing facilities.
      • Serono Laboratories, Inc. - Organization that focuses on the fields of infertility, growth, wasting, and MS/immunology. Includes information for patients and professionals.
      • Sifi - Ophthalmic Pharmaceuticals - Italian pharmaceutical company which provides a corporate overview, lists products, and gives advice about employment opportunities.
      • Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals - Carnitor - Manufacturer offers a brief profile of this treatment for carnitine deficiency. Find link to information about the Carnitor Drug Assistance Program.
      • Sioux Pharm - Manufacturer of Chondropure or Chondroitan Sulfate discusses the beneficial effects on arthritic pain relief and cartilage regeneration.
      • SmithKline Beecham plc - Company news, research notices and product descriptions are supplied by this international pharmaceutical group.
      • Sonus Pharmaceuticals - Company that performs research and development of ultrasound contrast agents and drug delivery systems based on fluorocarbon technology.
      • SP Pharmaceuticals, LLC - Manufactures small-volume parenteral drugs; develops new pharmaceutical products and formulas on a contract basis.
      • Steraloids Online Catalogue - Manufactures and markets steroids and hormones. Browse the product list or find out what's happening in research and in the company.
      • Stratus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Provides dermatological market with alternative prescriptions on hydroquinone, AHA, moisturizer for sensitive skin and saline solutions
      • Sugen - Biopharmaceutical firm develops new drugs that target signal transduction pathways in a cell. Learn how these innovations will fight cancer.
      • Syncor International Corporation - Compounds, dispenses, and distributes radiopharmaceutical products and services. Find annual reports, news, and product and financial profiles.
      • Transcell Technologies - Company developing pharmaceuticals based on new discoveries in drug transport and carbohydrate synthesis.
      • Tularik - Bay Area company researches and manufactures oral drugs for a variety of conditions and illnesses.
      • United-Guardian - Access product and ordering information of this pharmaceutical and healthcare company. Includes corporate and investor information.
      • Verex Laboratories, Inc. - Find information on this Denver-based drug development company, and its program of clinical trials on the Aztec drug for the treatment of AIDS.
      • Vertex Pharmaceuticals - Search by keyword or topic to examine the research conducted by this company developing treatments for cancer, AIDS, and other illnesses.
      • ViroPharma Incorporated - Antiviral pharmaceutical company shares an overview, financials, product projections, current research and press releases.
      • Whitehall-Robins - Member of the American Home Products group of companies. Manufacturers of popular over the counter preparations including Avil and Robitussin.
      • Whitehall-Robins - Healthfront - Take a look at these consumer pages provided by the Whitehall-Robins pharmaceutical company. Includes product and disease information.
      • Wyeth-Ayerst - Corporate Homepage - Corporate overview, research and development details, news and announcements, investor information, and advice about health care and products.
      • Infectious Diseases - Manufacturer of Suprax, Minocin, and Zosyn explains how these drugs are used to treat strep throat, bronchitis, and bladder and yeast infections.
      • Neuroscience - Focusing on neuroscience, this pharmaceutical company researches and develops treatments for the nervous system. Check the related health links.
      • Xoma - Develops products for treating primary infections, infectious complications and immunologic disorders. Includes an index.

      • Zila Products - Organization that manufactures a range of products that relieve canker sores, cold sores, and fever blisters. Includes patient information sheet.

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