بتـــــاريخ : 11/23/2008 5:57:58 PM
  • الآداب والثقافة
  • التعليقات المشاهدات التقييمات
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    موضوعات متعلقة


    الناقل : elmasry | العمر :43 | الكاتب الأصلى : TALAL | المصدر : forum.al-wlid.com

    كلمات مفتاحية  :
    model free energy
    free energy

    Imagine a superconductor ring with a wave travelling around the ring. A current is induced in a separate circuit creating "Free energy".

    Occurs to me that all the below might not be accurate. Some say rubbish. Anyway...

    Incidentally this proves that the speed of light is not the maximum velocity something can move. ie. the superconductor ring has a circumferance of C and radius R. If the magnetic wave is measurable above the ring at some radius (R + r') than the wave must be travelling at 2xPIx(R+r') = C' around the ring.

    Since C' > C the wave at some point must be faster than the velocity of light.


    A circle of a given circumference has a relationship to its radius in
    the following way:

    C = circumference of a circle
    r = radius of a circle

    Angular frequency is the number of times something goes around
    a circle.

    One revolution of a circle is equal to 2Π radians.

    ω = 2Π / T = 2Π f = V / r
    ω = angular frequency or angular speed
    T = Period of revolution or time in seconds of a revolution
    f = frequency (Hz) (cycles per second)
    V = tangential velocity around center of circle(m/s)

    Should you have a circle of radius A and an electromagnetic wave
    traveling on the outer rim of that circle, part of the wave or the
    magnetic field is actually traveling faster than light.

    Imagine a superconductor ring with a circumference of C and
    radius R. If the magnetic wave is measurable above the ring at
    some radius (R + r'), where r' is positive, than the wave must have
    been measured at 2 x П x (R+r') = C' where circumference C' is
    greater than circumference C ie. C' > C.

    Assume a magnetic wave at the surface of a superconductor ring is traveling at a velocity of 90% the speed of light. The speed of light is about 300 million meters per second and 90%
    of the speed of light is 270 million meters per second. If the wave can be measured at a distance of 130% the radius of that ring, than it is moving faster than light.

    Since angular velocity is

    ω = 2Π / T = 2Π f = V / r

    The angular velocity for all parts of the wave is the same. From the
    equation above the relationship between velocity of the wave at the
    base and at the top and their radii is

    Vtop / (R + r) = Vbase / R
    Vtop = Tangential velocity at top of wave
    Vbase = Tangential velocity at base of wave
    R = radius of circle at base of ring
    r = radius of ring at top of wave

    This means that
    Vtop = Vbase x (R+r) / R
    = 270 million m/s x 130 /100
    = 351 million m/s
    = 117% the speed of light

    كلمات مفتاحية  :
    model free energy

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