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    برنامج خدمي يقوم بالكثير من المهمات للبلاك بيري gwabbit v1.0.63

    الناقل : SunSet | العمر :37 | الكاتب الأصلى : اخبار اسوار | المصدر : www.2sw2r.com

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    برنامج خدمي يقوم بالكثير من المهمات للبلاك بيري gwabbit v1.0.63

    سبحان الله - سبحان الله - سبحان الله

    اقسم بالله البرنامج حصري لكم وغير منقول من اي موقع عربي اخر :shiny01:

    برنامج اسمه gwabbit v1.0.63

    يقوم بمهمات كثيره مثل مسح الايميلات اول بأول والرسائل ويسهل عملية الوصول للكونتاكت ومهمات كثيره ماراح اتعرفها الا لمن اتنزل البرنامج على جهازك

    وهذا شرح مفصل بس انصحكم اتنزلونه علطول وتكتشفونه افضل

    gwabbit makes contact capture and management fast, easy, and fun!

    gwabbit automatically scans incoming
    blackberry emails, finds contacts, and instantly transforms them into contact records within your address book with a mouse click! gwabbit puts your contact fields away in their proper place in the address book and even checks your address book to see if you've already saved a contact previously before re-prompting you to "gwab" it again.

    gwabbit employs a remarkable patent-pending semantic technology to identify contact blocks within email text and accurately parse and import them into your address book. No more cutting and pasting contacts one field at a time from your emails into your address book.

    If you don? currently use your address book, you no longer need to do tedious searches to find contacts within your inbox. gwabbit is compatible with current generation BlackBerry devices with 4.2 OS and higher.

    gwabbit saves hundreds of hours each year for busy executives, salespeople, and others who manage contacts.
    gwabbit for Outlook also available
    gwabbit automatically scans emails for signature contacts and *****s user when it finds a contact
    No tedious manual contact "painting" required
    The gwabbit ***** prompts the user to import the contact with one click, or click "No Thanks" to ignore the contact
    gwabbit compares contacts with address book entries -- only displays contact ***** when a new contact is found or if contact information has changed
    Option to turn off automatic email scan/***** and instead capture contacts with the "gwabbit" menu option
    gwabbit for BlackBerry Enterprise Server coming soon!

    للتحميل OTA قم بالدخول الى الموقع التالي من متصفح
    البلاك بيري

    Download gwabbit for BlackBerry

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