بتـــــاريخ : 11/4/2010 10:08:46 PM
  • الحـــــــــــاسب
  • التعليقات المشاهدات التقييمات
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    برامج جوال Nokia 5800

    الناقل : SunSet | العمر :37 | الكاتب الأصلى : aBn alMawSiL | المصدر : www.ct-7ob.com

    كلمات مفتاحية  :

    برامج جوال Nokia 5800 - تحميل برامج جوال Nokia 5800 - برامج جوال N97

    S60v5 Program - Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, N97

    Programes List

    Drawing Board
    Fring 5800 XpressMusic
    Here And Now BEta
    Nokia 5800 İsync program
    Nokia EMail program
    Nokia Step Counter
    Photo Browser
    Rotary Dialer
    Smart Guard
    SMS Timer
    Touch Piano
    Wawe Secure

    HardWriting Calculator
    Bt File Manager
    Fınv Player
    Freeunrar = Zip,Jar,Rar
    F-Secure Mobile
    Windows Live Messenger
    KD Player
    LCG Jukebox

    Fring All in one Messenger for Nokia Xpress Music 5800


    Nokia Here and Now app available in beta

    Mobbler v0.8.237

    Nokia EMail program



    Nokia Step Counter

    1. <LI sizset="2" sizcache="3">
      You could just start the Nokia Step Counter, but let’s personalize it a bit first. Scroll down and select Settings, then select User.

      <LI sizset="3" sizcache="3">
      This screen is where you can set your Name, Age, Gender, Height, and Step Length. The more accurate you are with these details, the more accurate your results will be.

      <LI sizset="4" sizcache="3">
      Now press the Back button twice to return to the main screen, then select Start.

      <LI sizset="5" sizcache="3">
      You could just leave Nokia Step Counter running in the foreground, but I’d rather put it in the background and also use my phone for other things. Select Options -> Run In Background. Now just put your phone in your pocket and go about your normal routine for awhile.
    2. Once some time has passed, open Nokia Step Counter again so see how far you’ve gone. You can use the Up and Down toggles to see the details.

      <LI sizset="6" sizcache="3">
      Stop the Nokia Step Counter by selecting Options -> Stop.
      <LI sizset="7" sizcache="3">
      There are a few more useful details available. If you select Diary you are presented with a calendar. Each day that you used Nokia Step Counter is a clickable link.

      <LI sizset="8" sizcache="3">
      Use the Up and Down toggle to see the details for that day.

      <LI sizset="9" sizcache="3">
      Press the Back button twice to return to the main screen, then select Progress.
      <LI sizset="10" sizcache="3">
      Here you can use the Up and Down toggle to view the Yearly Summary, Daily Step Count, and Weekly Step Count.

      <LI sizset="11" sizcache="3">
      Now press the Back button to return to the main screen. Select Settings, then select General.
    3. Here you can set Nokia Step Counter to automatically start and stop at specific times of day, set your daily step target, and change the measurement units that are used.

    Photo Browser

    Rotary Dialer
    Good old rotary dialer for your Nokia 5800xm






    Smart Guard


    SMS Timer




    Touch Piano



    HardWriting Calculator



    Bt File Manager


    Fınv Player



    F-Secure Mobile

    Windows Live Messenger


    KD Player


    LCG Jukebox

    Size: 10 mg
    The number of files 27
    Supported Devices

    okia, 5800, N97, 5530, Samsung i8910HD, Nokia 5800, Nokia N97, Nokia 5530, نوكيا 5800, نوكيا N97, نوكيا 5530, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, نوكيا 5800 اكسبرس ميوزك, Nokia 5800 XM, هواتف نوكيا

    للتحميل اختار رابط واحد فقط









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