هنا تفاصيل عن اختبارات الديفيلوبير وأرقامها والمنهج المقرر نظرا لطلبات الاخوة الاعضاء

الناقل : elmasry | الكاتب الأصلى : sara gamal | المصدر : araboug.org

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
في ناس كتير بتطلب الامتحانات وتفاصيل عنها وعشان بأذن الله الناس كلها تستفيد ومن يريد نماذج الاختبارات يراسلني على الخاص
ودى التفاصيل الخاصه بالامتحانات
امتحانات الديفلوبر مش محتاجه شهاده حضور ولأى حاجه وهي ثلاثه امتحانات

1-introduction to Oracle 9i-SQL 1z0-007 "لايوجد شهاده "
2-Program with pl/sql 1z0-147 " "شهاده ال OCA"
3-build internet applications forms 1z0-141 "شهاده ال OCP"

اسعار الامتحانات في الوقت الحالى
دى الاسعار في مصر
والاسعار بالدولار
وإليكم التفاصيل الكاملة لكل جزء من الاجزاء السابقة
بالنسبه لامتحان ال SQL:

الامتحان بيجى من SQL Fundamentals I
وال chapters المهمه في SQL Fundamentals IIهى :
Chapter 1,2,7
ودى المواضييع المطلوبه في الامتحان زي ما مكتوبه في موقع اوراكل
Writing Basic SQL Select Statements
[ ] List the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements
[ ] Execute a basic SELECT statement
[ ] Differentiate between SQL statements and iSQL*Plus commands

Restricting and Sorting Data
[ ] Limit the rows retrieved by a query
[ ] Sort the rows retrieved by a query

Single-Row Functions
[ ] Describe various types of functions available in SQL
[ ] Use character, number, and date functions in SELECT statements
[ ] Use conversion functions

Displaying Data from Multiple Tables
[ ] Write SELECT statements to access data from more than one table using equality and nonequality joins
[ ] View data that generally does not meet a join condition by using outer joins
[ ] Join a table to itself using a self-join

Aggregating Data using Group Functions
[ ] Identify the available group functions
[ ] Use group functions
[ ] Group data using the GROUP BY clause
[ ] Include or exclude grouped rows by using the HAVING clause
[ ] Describe the types of problems that subqueries can solve
[ ] Define subqueries
[ ] List the types of subqueries
[ ] Write single-row and multiple-row subqueries

Producing Readable Output with iSQL*Plus
[ ] Produce queries that require a substitution variable
[ ] Produce more readable output
[ ] Create and execute script files

Manipulating Data
[ ] Describe each DML statement
[ ] Insert rows into a table
[ ] Update rows in a table
[ ] Delete rows from a table
[ ] Merge rows in a table
[ ] Control transactions

Creating and Managing Tables
[ ] Describe the main database objects
[ ] Create tables
[ ] Describe the datatypes that can be used when specifying column definition
[ ] Alter table definitions
[ ] Drop, rename and truncate tables

Including Constraints
[ ] Describe constraints
[ ] Create and maintain constraints
Creating Views
[ ] Describe a view
[ ] Create, alter the definition, and drop a view
[ ] Retrieve data through a view
[ ] Insert, update and delete data through a view

Creating Other Database Objects
[ ] Create, maintain and use sequences
[ ] Create and maintain indexes
[ ] Create private and public synonyms

[ ] Describe the types of problems that subqueries can solve
[ ] Define subqueries
[ ] List the types of subqueries
[ ] Write single-row and multiple-row subqueries

Creating Views
[ ] Describe a view
[ ] Create, alter the definition, and drop a view
[ ] Retrieve data through a view
[ ] Insert, update and delete data through a view

بالنسبه لامتحان ال pl/sql:
طبعا اكتر تركيز في الاسئله بيكون من الprogram unit وارقام ال Chapters المهمه جدا فيها 1و2و3و4و6و8و10و11
وفي 3 اسئله ممكن يكونوا مش موجودين في الchapters دي موجودين في المرفقات
ودى المواضييع المطلوبه في الامتحان زي ما مكتوبه في موقع اوراكل:
Overview of PL/SQL Programs
[ ] Describe a PL/SQL program construct
[ ] List the components of a PL/SQL block
[ ] List the benefits of subprograms
[ ] Describe how a stored procedure/function is invoked

Creating Procedures
[ ] Define what a stored procedure is
[ ] List the development steps for creating a procedure
[ ] Create a procedure
[ ] Describe the difference between formal and actual parameters
[ ] List the types of parameter modes
[ ] List the methods for calling a procedure with parameters
[ ] Describe the DEFAULT option for parameters
[ ] Create a procedure with parameters
[ ] Invoke a procedure that has parameters
[ ] Define a subprogram in the declarative section of a procedure
[ ] Describe how exceptions are propagated
[ ] Remove a procedure
Creating Functions
[ ] Define what a stored function is
[ ] Create a function
[ ] List how a function can be invoked
[ ] List the advantages of user-defined functions in SQL statements
[ ] List where user-defined functions can be called from within an SQL statement
[ ] Describe the restrictions on calling functions from SQL statements
[ ] Remove a function
[ ] Describe the differences between procedures and functions
Managing Subprograms
[ ] Contrast system privileges with object privileges
[ ] Grant privileges
[ ] Contrast invokers rights with definers rights
[ ] Identify views in the data dictionary to manage stored objects

Creating Packages
[ ] Use DESCRIBE command to describe packages and list their possible components
[ ] Identify a package specification and body
[ ] Create packages: Create related variables , cursors, constants, exceptions, procedures, and functions
[ ] Designate a package construct as either public or private
[ ] Invoke a package construct
[ ] Use a bodiless package
[ ] Drop Packages
[ ] Identify benefits of Packages

More Package Concepts
[ ] Write packages that use the overloading feature
[ ] Use Forward Referencing
[ ] Describe errors with mutually referential subprograms
[ ] Initialize variables with a one-time-only procedure
[ ] Identify persistent states in package variables and cursors
[ ] Identify restrictions on using Packaged functions in SQL statements
[ ] Invoke packaged functions from SQL
[ ] Use PL/SQL tables and records in Packages

Oracle Supplied Packages
[ ] Describe the benefits of Execute Immediate over DBMS_SQL for Native Dynamic SQL
[ ] Identify the flow of execution
[ ] Describe the use and application of some Oracle server-supplied packages: DBMS_SQL, DBMS_OUTPUT, UTL_FILE

Manipulating Large Objects
[ ] Compare and contrast LONG and large object (LOB) data types
[ ] Describe LOB datatypes and how they are used
[ ] Differentiate between internal and external LOBs
[ ] Identify and Manage Bfiles
[ ] Migrate from LONG To LOB
[ ] Use the DBMS_LOB PL/SQL package
[ ] Create LOB columns and populate them
[ ] Perform SQL operations on LOBS: Update LOBs with SQL, Select from LOBS, Delete LOBS
[ ] Describe the use of temporary LOBs

Creating Database Triggers
[ ] Describe the different types of triggers
[ ] Describe database triggers and their uses
[ ] List guidelines for designing triggers
[ ] Create a DML trigger
[ ] List the DML trigger components
[ ] Describe the trigger firing sequence options
[ ] Use conditional predicates in a DML trigger
[ ] Create a row level trigger
[ ] Create a statement level trigger
[ ] Use the OLD and NEW qualifiers in a database trigger
[ ] Create an INSTEAD OF trigger
[ ] Describe the difference between stored procedures and triggers
[ ] Describe the trigger execution model
[ ] Alter a trigger status
[ ] Remove a trigger

More Trigger Concepts
[ ] Define what a database trigger is
[ ] Describe events that cause database triggers to fire
[ ] Create a trigger for a DDL statement
[ ] Create a trigger for a system event
[ ] Describe the functionality of the CALL statement
[ ] Describe the cause of a mutating table
[ ] List what triggers can be implemented for
[ ] List the privileges associated with triggers
[ ] View trigger information in the dictionary views

Managing Dependencies
[ ] Track procedural dependencies
[ ] Describe dependent objects and referenced objects
[ ] View dependency information in the dictionary views
[ ] Describe how the UTLDTREE script is used
[ ] Describe how the IDEPTREE and DEPTREE procedures are used
[ ] Describe a remote dependency
[ ] List how remote dependencies are governed
[ ] Describe when a remote dependency is unsuccessfully recompiled
[ ] Describe when a remote dependency is successfully recompiled
[ ] List how to minimize dependency failures

بالنسبه لاخر امتحان ال forms:
بالنسبه للامتحان ده مفيش chapters معيينين جه منهم الامتحان بالعكس بتيجى حاجات من خارج ال chapters وكاطريقه مذاكره بالنسبالى انا ذاكرت من نماذج الامتحانات على طول وكل سؤال كنت بحاول اجاوبه ولو معرفتش الاجابه بشوفها وبدور عليها سواء من ال help او المنتدى عشان اتأكد ان الاجابه صح وفي نفس الوقت خلانى اذاكر مواضيع مش موجوده في الكتاب وبجد مفيده جدا
والموضوع مش صعب خالص
ودى المواضييع المطلوبه في الامتحان في موقع اوراكل:

Introduction to Oracle Forms Developer and Oracle Forms Services
[ ] Describe the components of Oracle9i Developer Suite and the Oracle9i Application Server
[ ] Describe the features and benefits of Oracle Forms Services and Oracle Forms Developer
[ ] Describe the architecture of Oracle Forms Services
[ ] Describe Forms Builder components
[ ] Navigate the Forms Builder interface
[ ] Customize the Forms Builder session
[ ] Use the online help facilities

Running a Forms Developer Application
[ ] Describe the run-time environment
__ Explain the role of each
__ Modify Forms environment variables
__ Describe the appearance of a form at run time
[ ] Navigate a Forms application
[ ] Retrieve both restricted and unrestricted data
[ ] Describe the two modes of operation
[ ] Insert, update, and delete records
[ ] Display database errors

Creating LOVs and Editors
[ ] Describe LOVs and editors
[ ] Design, create, and associate LOVs with text items in a form module
__ Describe the relationship between LOVs and record groups
__ Explain the steps to create an LOV manually
__ Use the LOV Wizard to create an LOV
__ Set LOV properties
[ ] Create editors and associate them with text items in a form module

Creating Additional Input Items
[ ] Describe the item types that allow input
[ ] Create a check box
[ ] Create a list item
[ ] Create a radio group

Creating Noninput Items
[ ] Describe item types that do not allow input
[ ] Create a display item
[ ] Create an image item
[ ] Create a button
[ ] Create a calculated item
[ ] Create a hierarchical tree item
[ ] Create a bean area item

Creating Windows and Content Canvases
[ ] Define windows, content canvases, and viewports
[ ] Describe the relationship between windows and content canvases
[ ] Create windows and content canvases
[ ] Display a form module in multiple windows and on multiple layouts

Working with Other Canvas Types
[ ] Describe the different types of canvases and their relationships to each other
[ ] Identify the appropriate canvas type for different scenarios
[ ] Create an overlay effect by using stacked canvases
[ ] Create a toolbar
[ ] Create a tabbed interface

Introduction to Triggers
[ ] Define triggers
[ ] Describe the different trigger categories
[ ] Describe the components of a trigger
[ ] Describe the types of statements used in trigger code
[ ] Describe the properties that affect the behavior of a trigger

Working in the Forms Developer Environment
[ ] Describe the main Forms Developer executables
[ ] Describe the main Forms Developer module types
[ ] Describe the main objects in a form module
[ ] Run a form from within Forms Builder
__ Start and stop an OC4J instance
__ Set Forms Builder preferences to use OC4J

Creating a Basic Form Module
[ ] Create a form module
[ ] Create data blocks, create data blocks with relationships and create control blocks
[ ] Use wizards in re-entrant mode to make changes to the data block and layout
[ ] Save and compile a form module
[ ] Describe Forms file formats and their characteristics
[ ] Explain how to deploy a form module
[ ] Produce text files and documentation
[ ] Run a master-detail form module

Working with Data Blocks and Frames
[ ] Describe the methods to modify object properties
[ ] Describe the features of the Property Palette
[ ] Manipulate properties through the Property Palette
__ Display the Property Palette
__ Describe the property controls for different types of properties
__ Display multiple Property Palettes
__ Set properties on multiple objects
__ Copy properties
[ ] Control the behavior and appearance of data blocks
__ Use visual attributes
__ Use font, pattern, and color pickers
__ Set navigation properties
__ Set records properties
__ Set database properties
__ Set scrollbar properties
[ ] Control frame properties
[ ] Delete data blocks and their components

Working with Text Items
[ ] Describe text items
[ ] Create a text item
[ ] manage and modify text items using the property palette
[ ] Display helpful messages

Producing Triggers
[ ] Write trigger code
__ Create a trigger of appropriate type and scope
__ Describe the features of the PL/SQL Editor
__ Describe the features of the Database Trigger Editor
__ Explain the structure of trigger code
__ Use variables in triggers
[ ] Explain the use of built-in subprograms in Forms applications
[ ] Describe the When-Button-Pressed trigger
[ ] Describe the When-Window-Closed trigger
Debugging Triggers
[ ] Describe the methods to debug triggers in Forms Builder
[ ] Describe the components of the Debug Console
[ ] Run a form module in debug mode by using the Run Form Debug button
[ ] Debug PL/SQL code
__ Set breakpoints in code
__ Step through code
__ View variable values while form is running

Adding Functionality to Items
[ ] Describe item interaction triggers
[ ] Supplement the functionality of input items by using triggers and built-ins
__ Code interactions with radio groups
__ Code interactions with check boxes
__ Change list items at run time
__ Display an LOV from a button
[ ] Supplement the functionality of noninput items by using triggers and built-ins
__ Populate image items
__ Populate hierarchical trees
__ Code interactions with JavaBeans in the bean area item

Run Time Messages and Alerts
[ ] Describe the default messaging behavior of a form
[ ] Handle run time failure of built-in subprograms
[ ] Describe the different types of Forms Builder messages
[ ] Cause a trigger to fail in a controlled manner
[ ] Control system messages
[ ] Create and control alerts
[ ] Handle database server errors

Query Triggers
[ ] Explain the processes involved in querying a data block
[ ] Describe query triggers and their scope
[ ] Control query array processing
[ ] Write triggers to modify query behavior
[ ] Control trigger action based on the form's query status
[ ] Obtain query information at run time
[ ] Describe the validation process
[ ] Control validation:
__ Using object properties
__ Explain the effects of the validation unit upon a form
__ Use an LOV for validation
__ Using triggers
__ Using Pluggable Java Components
[ ] Describe how Forms tracks validation status
[ ] Control when validation occurs

[ ] Describe how navigation affects the navigation unit and the cursor
[ ] Distinguish between internal and external navigation
[ ] Control navigation with properties
[ ] Describe and use navigation triggers to control navigation
[ ] Explain how the cursor can become stuck between two items, resulting in a navigation trap
[ ] Use navigation built-ins in triggers

Transaction Processing
[ ] Explain the process used by Forms to apply changes to the database
[ ] Describe the commit sequence of events
[ ] Describe the characteristics and uses of commit triggers
[ ] Supplement transaction processing
__ Perform delete validation
__ Allocate sequence numbers to records as they are applied to tables
__ Keep an audit trail
[ ] Test the results of trigger DML
[ ] Override default transaction processing
[ ] Describe how to run against a non-Oracle data source
[ ] Get and set the commit status
[ ] Implement array DML
Writing Flexible Code
[ ] Describe flexible code
[ ] Use system variables to determine:
__ Cursor focus
__ Trigger focus
__ Commit status
[ ] Describe built-in subprograms that assist flexible coding
Write code to reference objects:
__ By internal ID
__ Indirectly

Sharing Objects and Code
[ ] Describe benefits of reusing objects and code
[ ] Create and use property classes
__ Describe property classes
__ Create property classes
__ Add properties to property classes
__ Inherit properties from property classes
__ Explain the inheritance symbols in the Property Palette
[ ] Group related objects for reuse
[ ] Copy and subclass objects
[ ] Reuse objects from an object library
__ Describe object libraries
__ Describe the benefits of using object libraries
__ Create object libraries
__ Populate object libraries
__ Modify objects in an object library
__ Create and use SmartClasses
[ ] Reuse PL/SQL code

Introducing Multiple Form Applications
[ ] Describe the characteristics of multiple form applications
[ ] Describe the benefits of multiple form applications
[ ] Call one form from another form module
[ ] Define multiple form functionality
[ ] Share data among open forms
[ ] Control opening and closing of multiple forms
[ ] Synchronize data among multiple forms

Creating a Menu Module
[ ] Describe the different components of a menu module
[ ] Create, save and attach menu modules
[ ] Set menu properties using the Property Palette
[ ] Create menu toolbars
[ ] Create pop-up menus

Managing Menu Modules
[ ] Control menus programmatically
[ ] Manage the interaction between the menu and form documents
[ ] Implement application security through the menu

Programming Function Keys
[ ] Define key triggers and their uses
[ ] Program function keys
[ ] Describe the characteristics of key triggers
[ ] Classify key triggers
[ ] Associate function keys with interface controls

Building Multiple Form Applications
[ ] Describe the various ways of invoking additional forms modules
[ ] Open and close form modules
[ ] Navigate between form modules
[ ] Control open form modules
[ ] Choose the most appropriate method for invoking forms

Defining Data Sources
[ ] Describe the various datasource types
[ ] Base a data block on a FROM clause query
[ ] Discuss the advantages of using a FROM clause query
[ ] Base a data block on a stored procedure that returns a REF cursor
[ ] Return a table of records from a stored procedure
[ ] Define a Data Source with the Data Block Wizard
[ ] Select the appropriate data source for a data block

Working with Record Groups
[ ] Describe the record group object
[ ] Use record groups
[ ] Define record groups at design time
[ ] Control record groups by using built-in functions
[ ] Define query record groups programmatically and nonprogrammatically
[ ] Manipulate record group rows
[ ] Define lists of values (LOVs) programmatically
[ ] Implement dynamic list items and add values to combo boxes

Using Database Objects in Forms Applications
[ ] Recognize which object types are supported
[ ] Describe how object types are represented within Form Builder
[ ] Create a block based on relation table with an object or an REF column
[ ] Populate a REF column with an LOV

اسألكم الدعواااات

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ملف مرفق  Desktop.rar (89.63كيلو)